Coaches and Consultants

Increase your capabilities and capacity

Use our software platform to put yourself into more customers at once, in a deeper, longer-term way.

THIS is how you scale and grow

Become a Lucidity partner and work smarter. Free up your time and increase your capacity by leveraging our technology and our investment. Service more clients at once with a central software that lets you provide an initial consultation and then easily dip in and out of all of your customers, staying present with advice, guidance, feedback and commentary.

Business coach at computer working with more clients remotely with Lucidity strategy software

Set yourself apart

Stand out from the crowd with cutting-edge tools that will give you a serious competitive advantage. Transform how you deliver your services and how your clients engage with their strategy. Leave behind more than a few pdfs and embed a software platform that your clients will love and both your businesses will benefit from.

Save time

Boost your capacity by killing time-drains. Let Lucidity automate your client deliverables and save yourself a job. Look polished and professional without spending a penny or exerting any effort. Automated visuals of all your session outputs, the overall strategy plan, all with your logo and theirs.

Retain clients for longer

Easily extend your services and go beyond devising strategy – use the platform to guide the execution and tracking of their plan, in a low-touch way. Embed yourself deeper into their business and maintain an ongoing relationship and recurring fees. Keep customers on your books for longer as you stick with them right through to results.

Make more money

As a Lucidity partner, you’ll generate and sustain recurring revenue. Earn regular money for every client you have using Lucidity and we’ll even increase your margins the more customers you bring.

Attract new clients

Get leads from Lucidity as our customers seek extra guidance and support. Benefit from referrals where your expertise and approach match the needs of our customers. We’ll also work closely with you on campaigns to engage your network and drive new business.

When I first saw Lucidity I was blown away with the potential for my clients and how it could help them implement a scale-up strategy. This is the tool I’ve wanted for over 17 years! I use it to help clients get plans out of their heads so we can communicate it across the business and drive up scalable growth.

Apply to be an accredited Lucidity partner

Let’s talk about how we can work together to help businesses succeed. Give us your details and we’ll get in touch to tell you more about the program and how other consultants and coaches are using Lucidity to enhance their service.

Get in touch to find out more